You did the best you could
February 12, 2019
Noticing non-existent problems
February 11, 2019
You're a marketer
February 10, 2019
What is your superpower weakness?
February 8, 2019
How to decide whether to quit
February 8, 2019
Indecisive? Use this quick decision technique
February 7, 2019
How to write a crappy cold pitch
February 6, 2019
That time I found myself in the back of an SFPD patrol car
February 5, 2019
Which job or business opportunity is right for you?
February 4, 2019
How can I offend you?
February 3, 2019
"Quantity has a quality all its own"
February 2, 2019
What if you owed it to them?
February 1, 2019
It's mind-blowing
January 31, 2019
Why I love a phrase used by startups (even though I hate startup culture)
January 30, 2019
Why you should talk with others about your struggles
January 29, 2019
Here's why you should introduce more randomness into your life
January 28, 2019
To stick or not to stick?
January 27, 2019
The amazing thing that happens when you journal (with excerpts from my own journal!)
January 26, 2019
A commitment to trying
January 25, 2019
Say thank you, not sorry
January 24, 2019
Use the cracks in your day to create content
January 23, 2019
Sometimes, you don't know why (and that's okay)
January 22, 2019
A rant about people telling you to HUSTLE
January 21, 2019
Question: why do you fail?
January 20, 2019
Sometimes, you just need an outside perspective
January 19, 2019
Why advice is useless if you have no self-awareness
January 18, 2019
What do you have to say?
January 17, 2019
This is what you do when you "don't have time"
January 16, 2019
Your work should make you feel good
January 15, 2019
Maybe you gave up too soon!
January 14, 2019
How to start a healthy habit in 2019
January 13, 2019
Just do it 341 times
January 12, 2019
You have to want to walk the path
January 11, 2019
Video: What's important but not urgent? (+ Podcast teaser...)
January 10, 2019
Tooting your horn might be the right thing to do
January 9, 2019
Book recommendations to escape from your daily worries
January 8, 2019
Act, before excuses appear
January 7, 2019
Video: The biggest change I made in the past few years
January 6, 2019
Your best self
January 5, 2019
Buying motivation
January 4, 2019
How to find a better job (in three steps)
January 3, 2019
Let's meditate together
January 2, 2019
Are you a yes man or a grump?
January 1, 2019
Bored of "hanging out"? That's okay
December 31, 2018
The marginal priorities zone
December 30, 2018
How what you say reveals what you really care about
December 29, 2018
The quickest way to "meet" people who share your interests
December 28, 2018
Your potential is out there
December 27, 2018
Can't focus? Meditation must not be for you, then.
December 26, 2018
Stop running on autopilot; wake up!
December 25, 2018
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